The bods at Online Marketing Surgery have teamed up with Cardinal Steels to create a property report giving us all this handy info.
What that means is they can rank each neighbourhood based on their average house prices in the year ending March 2024, using property data from the Office for National Statistics.
But, can you guess which area comes out on top?

1. Riseley & Sharnbrook
The average house price for this area in the year ending March 2024 was £460,000 Photo: Google

2. Bromham & Biddenham
The average house price for this area in the year ending March 2024 was £413,000 Photo: Google

3. Harrold, Chellington & Turvey
The average house price for this area in the year ending March 2024 was £390,000 Photo: Google

4. Wixams & Elstow
The average house price for this area in the year ending March 2024 was £372,400 Photo: Google