Chubby set to laugh the house down

Get ready for a barn-storming night of jokes, banter and hilarious mickey-taking from one of Britain’s most outrageous comedian.

Laugh till it hurts as Chubby rips into his live audiences with a non-stop battering ram of laugh-out-loud comedy guarantee.

Outrageous comedian Roy ‘Chubby’ Brown who is commonly known as Chubby, will be appearing at the Gordon Craig Theatre in Stevenage on Saturday, January 15 at 8pm.

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Chubby is an English stand-up comedian who is notorious for his decidedly blue humour and holds sell-out shows across the country.

The controversial nature of his act means that he rarely appears on major television channels.

He has attracted accusations that his comedy style is outdated, while also being described as ‘the most important comedian of the past 25 years.’

His real name Royston Vasey was used for the fictional village in the hit television show The League of Gentlemen.

The comic also made several cameo appearances in the show as the foul-mouthed mayor of the village.

Tickets are £20, and they are available from

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