The 1990s was a decade that saw rapid technological advancement. It was when the internet revolution truly began to kick-off and if you were around then you probably remember the pains of dial-up.
It was such a whirlwind time in the world of technology, it can be hard to remember what was from the 1990s and not the 21st century - even if they feel super high-tech and futuristic. We’ve pulled together a list of 9 gadgets you may remember if you grew up in the 1990s.
For further nostalgic trips down a technological memory lane, we also have this throwback to 7 gadgets from the 1980s - and retro games you may remember.

1. PalmPilot
If you or your relatives were at the cutting edge of technology, you might have had a PalmPilot in the 1990s. It was sort of like a smartphone, a decade before smartphones took over the world. Photo: Online USA/Getty Images | Online USA/Getty Images Photo: Online USA/Getty Images

2. MP3 player
Before we could get all the songs your heart could desire straight on your phone via Spotify or Apple Music, it was all about the MP3 players. Also called Digital audio players (DAP), these devices were huge in the late 1990s and early 2000s. Photo: YOSHIKAZU TSUNO/AFP via Getty Images | YOSHIKAZU TSUNO/AFP via Getty Images Photo: YOSHIKAZU TSUNO/AFP via Getty Images

3. Tamagotchi
In the 1990s it was not about real pets, it was all about Tamagotchis. This little device fit right in your pocket and may or may not have been the bane of your life - if you managed to keep your Tamagotchi alive at least. Photo: JIJI PRESS/AFP via Getty Images | JIJI PRESS/AFP via Getty Images Photo: JIJI PRESS/AFP via Getty Images

4. N64
Now this was a huge icon of the 1990s, if you didn’t own a Nintendo 64 you most likely knew someone who did. It had such iconic games like Super Mario 64, GoldenEye and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Photo: Yvonne Hemsey/Getty Images | Yvonne Hemsey/Getty Images Photo: Yvonne Hemsey/Getty Images