Road safety: Anticipation is the key to avoiding hazards

Road safety charity the IAM offers weekly motoring tips from Britain’s top advanced driver, Peter Rodger.

This week he is advising on identifying hazards.

> Look further ahead so you see things earlier and have more time to deal with them.

> Think about what could happen – a side road may have a car in it, a parked lorry may have a pedestrian crossing behind it – anticipate what may develop.

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> Use road signs and understand their message - junction signs give early notice that a driver may be trying to pull out into your path.

> Observe others and what they are doing. Expect and plan for their actions as they develop.

> Use your mirrors so that you are aware of who is behind you and what is going on – especially motorcyclists and cyclists.

> Hazards include bends and junctions. Expect that there may be a car emerging or a cyclist around the bend, this will allow you enough time to respond safely.

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> IAM chief examiner Peter said: “Hazards can be anything from a tree branch to a child walking along the pavement. Anticipating what other road users might do is key to being prepared and becoming a safer driver.”

To help drivers stay safe this winter, the IAM has launched a new website,, with traffic updates, weather forecasts and tips on how to drive safely in winter.

Tips cover rain, snow, ice, fog and wind – everything you can expect in a typically unpredictable British winter. Check it out before you travel.

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