New  £110,000 hydrotherapy pool at Bedford MS Therapy Centre opens

Bedford deputy major Jim Weir opens the brand new £110,000 hydrotherapy pool at the MS Therapy CentreBedford deputy major Jim Weir opens the brand new £110,000 hydrotherapy pool at the MS Therapy Centre
Bedford deputy major Jim Weir opens the brand new £110,000 hydrotherapy pool at the MS Therapy Centre
The centre is also hiring out the pool to people who need it

It cost a daunting £110,000 but now Bedford MS Therapy Centre’s new hydrotherapy pool is providing much needed relief for those suffering with neurological conditions.

It was officially opened on Monday (October 16) by deputy mayor Jim Weir, and regular users of the previous much smaller pool are already singing its praises.

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One said hydrotherapy was one of the most amazing therapies provided by the charity, while another claimed: “The warm water helps my circulation and improves my co-ordination and balance. It also helps to strengthen my muscles – which certainly became weaker during lockdown. It improves my overall sense of wellbeing by giving me an opportunity to leave the house, meet up with others, and have a fulfilling day where I can briefly forget about worries and troubles.”

Bedford MS Therapy Centre's new hydrotherapy pool which will also help people with Parkinsons, cerebral palsy or those who've recently had operationsBedford MS Therapy Centre's new hydrotherapy pool which will also help people with Parkinsons, cerebral palsy or those who've recently had operations
Bedford MS Therapy Centre's new hydrotherapy pool which will also help people with Parkinsons, cerebral palsy or those who've recently had operations

Centre manager Tracy Mckenzie said they were expanding their services to the wider community: “The hydro-pool is now available to people with related neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s. This is even more significant since the hydrotherapy pool at Bedford Hospital’s North Wing has been closed since end of 2019. We’re also hiring it out to people who require its use short-term, perhaps following an operation, or those with long term needs like cerebral palsy.”

She added: “This is a good way for us to raise funds towards the running costs of the pool.”

It was funded by grants from charitable Trusts, the local community and the Centre’s own fundraising activities.

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The charity is celebrating its 40th anniversary and receives no statutory or government funding. It offers its services free, although regular users provide voluntary donations towards running costs.

Red ribbon abounds as Bedford MS Therapy Centre manager Tracy Mckenzie prepares for the opening of the new hydrotherapy poolRed ribbon abounds as Bedford MS Therapy Centre manager Tracy Mckenzie prepares for the opening of the new hydrotherapy pool
Red ribbon abounds as Bedford MS Therapy Centre manager Tracy Mckenzie prepares for the opening of the new hydrotherapy pool

Multiple sclerosis is a lifelong, neurological condition that affects the brain and spinal cord, causing a wide range of symptoms which vary from person to person and from day to day.

It is degenerative, with no known cure, and can cause serious disability. It is most often diagnosed in people in their 20s and 30s.

Tracy said: “We are proud that our professional therapies and specialised services support our users’ physical and mental health, enabling them to gain greater control over their symptoms.”

For more information visit the website at or call 01234 325781.