Console Corner: Huge year ahead for gamers

London's calling for Assassin's CreedLondon's calling for Assassin's Creed
London's calling for Assassin's Creed
With 2014 done and dusted it is time to look forward to what could be one of the most ground-breaking years in the history of gaming.

Last week I bemoaned a lack of originality in 2014’s titles but that looks set to be turned on its head in 2015, and then some.

There are dozens of highly-anticipated games on the horizon but I have chosen my top 6 to look forward to.

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Undoubtedly the most beautiful game of last year, Assassin’s Creed is set to return with Victory, which is – FINALLY set in London.

There’s not much concrete info on it yet but leaks say there will be new gameplay elements and it will be set in the Victorian times.

From the leaked screenshots, the world looks massive and stunning while historic landmarks like Big Ben and St Pauls are on show.

No Man’s Sky for PS4 and PC blew everyone away with its reveal at E3 2014.

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It’s a procedurally generated universe that continuously builds on itself, offering massive planets to explore, each one with its own wildlife, terrain, and environmental conditions.

The environment will change what the animals look like, what materials you can gather, and what vegetation grows on the planet - making that world completely unique... and that’s just scratching the surface there is an entire universe to explore.

The Order: 1886 (February 20) offers an alternate history version of London, an order of knights must keep people safe from monsters that roam the streets. Hands-down one of the most gorgeous games ever seen, but there’s also intense monster hunting to be had here.

Batman: Arkham Knight is the much-anticipated trilogy ender is a new chapter later in Bruce Wayne’s life which means a lot of changes and a brand new mysterious villain.

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Tom Clancy’s The Division has been on everybody’s radar since it was first announced at E3 2013. Although we don’t know reems about the game yet, we do know that it takes place during the aftermath a terrorist attack.

You are a member of a unit created to keep NYC from falling into anarchy.

Halo 5: Guardians. In Halo 4, 343 Industries admitted played it safe with the Xbox exclusive title.

Now 343 knows it can make a good Halo game, the developer can go all out and won’t have to worry about playing it safe with Halo 5.

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Other notable releases: Bloodborne, Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain, Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Zelda Wii U, Star Fox Wii U, Star Citizen, Everyone’s Gone to the Rapture, RIME, Splatoon Wii U, Quantum Break, Evolve, Star Wars Battlefront.

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