Safe stolen from Flitwick Church during break-in

Callous criminals stole a safe from Flitwick Church after smashing through a side window this weekend.

Between 4pm on Saturday (March 9) and 8am on Sunday (March 10) the Flitwick Church in Church Road, Flitwick has been broken into.

The offenders attempted to gain entry to the building by smashing a kitchen window and back door causing damage, but were unsuccessful.

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They eventually gained entry to the church by smashing a side window.


Once inside the offenders have removed a safe which was bolted to a wall.

Chief Inspector Rachael Glendenning said: “This was an upsetting crime for Flitwick’s close knit community.

“We would like to speak to anyone who have seen anything suspicious in the area overnight.”

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Anyone with information is asked to contact CI Glendening by calling 101 or visiting force’s online reporting centre and quoting reference number 40/13841/19.

Alternatively you can contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.