Boost for 'hands-on' Bedford landlords with launch of self-service lettings system
A new self-service lettings management system for ‘hands-on’ landlords has been launched by a Bedford property agent.
The innovative online portal by Bedford Heights based allows landlords to list properties and control their advertising on the country’s leading homes websites.
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Hide AdTenants can schedule appointments to view properties and send messages directly to their landlords 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
The service starts from just £29, with managing the whole process. founder Jamal Zakaria said: “This is designed for landlords who like the idea of staying in control while keeping costs down.The advert can be self-managed, edited, or re-advertised with a click of a button on’s online dashboard. One Bedford landlord recently listed his property and within three hours had found a suitable tenant.
“The best thing about the service is that we send an SMS to both landlord and tenant every time they receive a message on the portal, so you will never miss an enquiry. The majority of tenants love the idea they can message the landlord or us 24/7.”
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Hide’s customer service line is open seven days a week.
“This ensures we offer full support to both incoming property enquiries and give landlords help and assistance,” said Jamal.
“We also offer traditional tenant find and fully managed services at cost effective prices.
“We want our customers to experience our honest, friendly and professional approach.”
Contact Jamal on 01234 604786 or email [email protected]