THINK! speed campaign targets Bedfordshire drivers

Police are urging motorists to take part in a new quiz to test their knowledge of the different speed limits on the county's road.

The quiz has been created as part of a month-long THINK! speed campaign educating motorists of the consequences of speeding.

This month the Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire Road Policing Unit (RPU) will be out in force targeting motorists breaking the law.

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The minimum penalty for speeding is a £100 fine and three penalty points added to your license; however drivers across the county are warned that the speed limit is a limit not a target. In some road conditions or road layouts even driving at the speed limit could be too fast.

“Those who speed put not only their own lives at risk but also the lives of others,” said traffic sergeant Ian Manley.

“The faster you drive the less time you have to react. Speed remains one of the biggest factors in fatal collisions.

“The difference of a few miles per hour can mean the difference between life and death. The faster someone is driving, the less time they have to stop if something unexpected happens.

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“There will be times when you need to drive under the speed limit in order to drive correctly for the conditions or layout of the road.

“I would urge anyone who drives to help us protect road users by reducing your speed and driving to the conditions of the roads,” he said.

“If you kill someone while speeding, you will have to live with the long-term emotional consequences. Remember that speed limits are there for a reason.”

Try the quiz here:

Motorists are also encouraged to take the following advice:

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Make sure you leave plenty of time for your journey, taking into account traffic

Watch out for changes in the speed limit

Drive to suit the conditions and the layout of the road

Don’t let peer pressure encourage you to break the law

Don’t assume it’s safe to break the speed limit because there is less traffic.

Don’t be tempted to put your foot down because the road ahead appears clear