Project to reduce pollution inspires school to 'clean for the Queen'

Year 6 pupils from Great Denham Primary School took part in the Clean for The Queen campaign PNL-160903-121248001Year 6 pupils from Great Denham Primary School took part in the Clean for The Queen campaign PNL-160903-121248001
Year 6 pupils from Great Denham Primary School took part in the Clean for The Queen campaign PNL-160903-121248001
Primary school children 'cleaned for the Queen' as part of their project to answer the question 'is there a solution to pollution?'.

Great Denham Primary School Year 6 students seized the chance to make a positive difference in their area.

Deputy Headteacher Jo Doyle said: “ “The children are passionate about keeping their own community spic and span, particularly along the river where the rubbish poses harm to animals.

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“They collected several bags of rubbish and have a clear message: Do your bit to help stop pollution by putting your litter in a bin.”

She added: “I was so proud of the children’s attitude. They will be sending their recommendations on how to make a lasting impact on stopping pollution in the community to the Parish Council.”