Jewellery and cash taken from house in Bedfordshire

Burglars forced their way into a house in Stevington on Saturday and stole jewellery and money.

Police are appealing for information after the robbery on January 21.

Between 5.15pm and 5.40pm, offenders gained access to the property by forcing a door open.

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Once inside they searched the house, and took cash, jewellery and two glass flutes.

They also removed a set of car keys from the house and attempted to remove the owner’s car from the driveway, but abandoned the vehicle in Stevington.

They then left the village in a blue Peugeot.

DC Emma King, said: “Burglary is distressing for victims, and we are committed to finding those responsible.

“I’d encourage anyone with any information about this incident to come forward, particularly if you recognise the licence plate of the blue Peugeot we believe was used to leave the scene.”

If you have any information about this incident please contact DC King on 101 quoting crime reference JH/2932/2017 or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

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