Bedford sex offender gets 14 months in prison for breaking court rules

Joel Wilson, 34, of St Michaels Road, Bedford,Joel Wilson, 34, of St Michaels Road, Bedford,
Joel Wilson, 34, of St Michaels Road, Bedford,
A registered sex offender has been jailed for 14 months and has had a court order extended, after breaching the conditions of a Sexual Harm Prevention Order (SHPO) imposed upon him for a previous conviction.

Joel Wilson, 34, pictured, of St Michaels Road, Bedford, was found guilty at Luton Crown Court on Friday (December 21) and has had a restraining order placed upon him until further notice.

On July 11, Wilson was arrested after visiting the address of a woman he was forbidden to contact.

Following an altercation, he assaulted her.

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Then on July 18, whilst on bail, Wilson was further arrested for drinking alcohol in a public place in Bedford town centre, in direct breach of the SHPO he received when previously convicted.

He was sentenced to 14 months in custody. He received a further four months each, but to run concurrently, for the assault and for the public order offence of street drinking. He must also pay a victim surcharge.

PC Gareth Underwood, investigating, said: “Wilson’s behaviour has now resulted in him breaching his court order.

“He clearly didn’t learn his lesson from his initial conviction, and has now received a further jail sentence.”

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