The Greatest Showman themed workshop at Bedford's The Place theatre this half term

The Place theatreThe Place theatre
The Place theatre
It’s for youngsters aged 12 to 17

Youngsters can join A The Greatest Showman themed three-day workshop at The Place in Bedford this half term.

Places are still available for the immersive and interactive workshop is for young people aged 12 to 17, which runs for three days from tomorrow.

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The team will be using The Greatest Showman for inspiration; creating scenes, characters, moments and loads of cool snippets inspired by this incredible movie.

The cohort will then perform before, after and even during the film in a cinematic-live hybrid experience to a live audience. Expect a fast paced, fun workshop including singing, dancing, immersive theatre, acting and top hats.Tickets are £45 including food and can be booked via the website.