Free 7-day fitness studio pass for every reader

Getting fit the easy way at Smartfit35 in BedfordGetting fit the easy way at Smartfit35 in Bedford
Getting fit the easy way at Smartfit35 in Bedford
Leading Bedford health studio SmartFit35 is offering every reader a free seven-day pass to its Bedford-based studio on Brickhill Drive.

SmartFit35 is perfect for people who want to avoid the gym but recognise the benefits of exercise and living a healthy lifestyle. SmartFit35 is one of the most innovative training concepts in the health market and is currently used by over two million people across Europe alone. The SmartFit35 circuit delivers results you can see and feel, and you only need to complete two 35-minute sessions every 10 days.It provides a total body workout, which encourages 15 times more fat burning than regular fitness training and it won’t feel like exercise! Each member has a personalised plan based on their own goals. At SmartfFit35 you’re never alone, as there’s always a highly trained and qualified coach to take care of you and help you with each session. And what’s more, SmartFit35 offers free tea and coffee after each session as well as a busy social calendar of events, seminars and workshops. Members at SmartFit35 in Bedford have already achieved some great results, with 83 per cent of regular users reporting an increase in strength after 10 sessions, and 72 per cent reported an increase in cardiovascular training level (increase in power generated) after at least 10 sessions.Together they have burnt off over one million calories in the last year Still not convinced? Why not try it for seven days – completely free of charge and with no obligation. Simply visit

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