East Midlands Trains rated best for customer satisfaction

East Midlands Trains GV NNL-140828-133747001East Midlands Trains GV NNL-140828-133747001
East Midlands Trains GV NNL-140828-133747001
East Midlands Trains - which operate through Bedford and Luton - has been rated the best for customer satisfaction.

The company had a satisfaction rate more than three percent higher than the transport industry average in the latest UK Customer Satisfaction Index.

Carried out by the Institute of Customer Service twice a year, the UK Customer Satisfaction Index looks at satisfaction across a range of companies spanning 13 different industries.

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In the latest survey released in July, East Midlands Trains was rated as the highest performing train operator with 77.7% satisfaction, 3.3% higher above the transport industry average. It also came 11th out of the 29 different transport companies included in the survey, which looks at satisfaction across a variety of different rail, coach, air and ferry companies.

The survey also recognised the customer experience improvements made by East Midlands Trains, listing the rail operator as ninth most improved organisation in the UK, along with other major organisations such as Suzuki, Sainsburys, Scottish Power and Homebase.

Andrew Conroy, customer experience director for East Midlands Trains, said: “It’s great news that we have once again been named the best train operator in the UK by the Institute of Customer Service.

“We have put a real focus on improving the experience our customers receive at our stations and on our trains, and this is testament to these improvements and the hard work of our own employees in continuing to deliver the best service they can for our customers.

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“It’s always great to be rated highly against other train operators, but our real focus is on becoming one of the best customer service organisations in the UK, and we are pleased that the latest satisfaction scores are showing we are moving in the right direction.”

The UK Customer Satisfaction Index is the Institute of Customer Service’s national measure of customer satisfaction. It provides insights into the state and direction of customer satisfaction at a national level across 13 different sectors.

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