Shocking images released of level crossing where Bedfordshire motorist was killed

Following the death of a motorist at Marston level crossing near Bedford last month, level crossing managers set up a CCTV camera to monitor movement over the crossing.

They found that during the nine-day census 11 drivers and pedestrians misused the level crossing.

One jogger swerved around the lowered barriers in the dark, just 15 seconds before a train passed over the crossing, two pedestrians with a dog walked across the crossing after the red lights started flashing.

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Two cars passed over the crossing while the red light signals were in operation, the study was prompted after the driver of a Renault Scenic was killed at the level crossing near Lidlington station back in January, when the car that the man was driving was hit by an oncoming train travelling between Bedford and Bletchley.

It was reported that the driver had swerved around the lowered barriers.

Ben Parish, route level crossing manager for Network Rail, said: “We are shocked that despite the fact that a motorist died at this level crossing, there is still routine misuse there.

“In January, somebody’s father, son, husband or friend was killed because of level crossing misuse. That is one death too many.

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“I understand that people lead busy lives and we all have somewhere to be - to get to work, pick the kids up or care for a loved one.

“However, waiting for a crossing to open will only add a few minutes onto your journey. Wouldn’t you rather get to your appointment a few minutes late than not at all?”

To find out more visit: or call 03457 11 41 41.