Parrot helps himself to meal at birdtable in Bedford - have you spotted this cheeky green chappie?

Parrot spotted in Bedford gardenParrot spotted in Bedford garden
Parrot spotted in Bedford garden
Have you spotted a parrot in your garden?

This parakeet was seen helping himself to a meal of mixed seed at a birdtable in the garden of a house in Winchester Road, Bedford.

The distinctive light green parrot-type bird with a bright red beak scared off most of the other birds around - before taking a rest on the garden bench.

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A noisy character, only a couple of squirrels playing nearby made him look up.

The RSPB says of the ring-necked parakeet: “The UK’s only naturalised parrot - it is large, long-tailed and green with a red beak and a pink and black ring around its face and neck. In flight it has pointed wings, a long tail and very steady, direct flight. Often found in flocks, numbering hundreds at a roost site, it can be very noisy.”

There are apparently more than 8,000 breeding pairs, but mainly seen in the southern most counties.

If you’ve seen one let us know.

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